by Nick Lowry
Do not seek conflict and do not maintain guile. Do not hide or run away from conflict and do not blind yourself. Each transition requires awarness and precision — we tend to want to avoid problems and that tendency tends to further our entanglements. The way out of entanglement is to go through it. With each step, relinquish everything, give it all up and trust yourself. This is a rare and precious life, it deserves authenticity and integrity, please take care of it, appreciate it, be at one with it, breath by breath. And when it is time for thunder, bring thunder and shake the earth, and when it is time for harmony, calm the waters and flow in the humor of grace– with emptiness, signlessness, and aimlessness to guide you, return to your silence, your original face, your own awakened nature, your mind of love–return to your center of gravity and move freely in all ten directions