Kyle Sloan, Uke; Derek Hall, Tori; Photography & Video by Rob Goodwill
This version is particulary usefuly when your partner is taller than yourself.
Begin with standard grips. As uke steps forward with their right leg tori uses the sleeve grip to break uke’s balance over their right leg. This gives tori a nice “pocket” to work with. Tori should place their left foot “three feet down the line” on the same step uke’s balace is broken. Tori should keep their right grip, rotate the hips, and place the right elbow in uke’s right armpit. Note: If uke is of similar height tori will need to bend at the knees to get proper fitment. In this case tori can straighten their knees and add a little pivot of the hips to execute the throw. Tori executes the throw by continuing the pivot and stepping through with the right leg. Tori should end the throw by giving uke proper support.