This blog features all things budo – aikido, judo, and jodo tips as well as general martial arts philosophy and advice. Writings from some of Kaze Uta Budo Kai’s finest teachers, students, and friends.

Renshu and Keiko

Renshu and Keiko

4 min read

As we train and practice seemingly endless repetitions of budo techniques day after day after year after year, as we pour our lives into the container of our chosen art, we inevitably…

Budo: From Force to Gentleness

Budo: From Force to Gentleness

3 min read

Violence will solve some problems but gentleness will solve all of them. Force has its place, we do achieve effects but employing violence, that much is undeniable, but when the use of…

Defining Judo Throwing Principles: Throwing Without Thought

Defining Judo Throwing Principles: Throwing Without Thought

3 min read

Kyle Sloan When you set out learning Judo, you think about doing a throw and set about to make that happen. This is well, fine and good. This is how we all…

Aikido - Sempai Kohai

Learning Teaching and the Way to Mastery

4 min read

In 2001 I instituted “black belt choice” weeks into our dojo curriculum– this helped develop autonomy and creativity amongst my senior ranks and helped them grow into their own as teachers. It…


Flexibility in Judo

3 min read

Kyle Sloan How long does it take to achieve gumby-like flexibility? It varies from person to person. I went at things at an easy pace, slowly gaining a little flexibility over two…

Aikido: Making Friends with Chaos – Randori Advice (part 2)

Aikido: Making Friends with Chaos – Randori Advice (part 2)

4 min read

by Nick Lowry As we enter Randori (literally chaos practice) it is easy to be overwhelmed and feel lost. We are wandering through unknown territory. Kata and Kihon (including randori sequence exercises,…