This blog features all things budo – aikido, judo, and jodo tips as well as general martial arts philosophy and advice. Writings from some of Kaze Uta Budo Kai’s finest teachers, students, and friends.
Posts from the budo blog
Thinking Back on Aikido
by Nick Lowry Thinking back to the aikido I learned in the 1980s ….The ukemi and the Walking are mostly identical to what we do today. The 17 was very linear and…
Dojo and The Way
by Nick Lowry DOJO is the way place. All the stuff we practice in a DO-jo — the aiki do and ju do and jo do and karate do and ken do…
Aikido: Empty Hand versus Knife
Kyle Sloan Let me start with this: If you play with knives, you’re going to get cut. Period. I seriously doubt there is anyone reading this who hasn’t been cut with a…
Three Circles of Training
by Nick Lowry Been thinking lately about a three tier curriculum for our dojo– at first was considering the the standard beginner, intermediate, and advanced idea but that seemed a little clumsy,…
Rank is in the Eye of the Beholder
by Nick Lowry Rank is in the eye of the beholder Where do high ranks come from?what makes a high dan rank in budo, a high dan rank? Is it technical ability?…
Notes on Judo Taiso
From 2011 Shochigeiko by Nick Lowry The original walking developed in the late 40’s — filmed in the early to mid 50’s–17 walking waza — taught at Waseda to develop skill sets…