Aikido Release Chains

Introduction to Release Chains

Release chain series was put together by Karl Geis from the toshu randori drills. These are based on the concept of renzoku, which focuses on smooth transitions between one technique and the next if the first technique fails. Over the years, these have been refined into the most useful techniques that became fundamental to the kihara series. In this video, Nick provides more detail regarding the evolution of the release chains.

Release Chain Tutorials

Downloadable Study Guide

This downloadable tutorial is an excellent flowchart for learning the release chains, as well as all the failures (and response techniques) that can result from each of the releases in our aikido practice.

Video Tutorial

Nick and Andre provide an easy to follow step-by-step video demonstration of the chain series that flows from each of the releases.

Release Chains Free Play

Watch Nick and Andre put the release chains into a flowing action with this video series.