by Kyle Sloan; Cameron Siemens, Uke; Photography & Video by Rob Goodwill

Building on movement from last time, we add a partner to the mix. Using your walking, keep uke lined up in your center line. Begin by having your partner walk around you in a circle, well outside the range of your legs. As you gain skill in moving, have your partner change directions randomly. You’ll find that your partner can jog on the outside of the circle and you’ll have no trouble keeping up.

If uke is going to attack, he must close. Don’t extend your legs reaching for him, because your action will have little to no effect.

Instead, keep the legs somewhat bent. As uke closes, target the knee of his advanced leg. Use your foot sideways, parallel to the floor. If your foot is vertical there’s a high chance it will slip off to one side or the other.

SLOWLY & GENTLY straighten your leg. This will lock uke’s knee.

You may use your bottom foot to trap the ankle. When you push with the top leg, pull with the bottom leg. You can trap with your toes…

…or with your heel